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November 2019

Frederik Tyson-Brown

Had a basic '97 2.4 V6 for a while during 2018/19, absolutely knackered at 170k+ when I bought it for £400. Clearly did its service in life, but just hanging on by the time I needed it for a job. I do a lot of miles and my usually reliable '92 Rover 420 was having a tantrum.

The A6 (c5) is perhaps the ugliest and most emblematic late 90's car you can buy. It's the Steriophonics of cars. It's the flabby tail end of the hype of the 90's, with none of the style of the decades that preceded it.

It is ugly to drive, ugly to look at and ugly to sit in. By the time I got mine twenty years after its release, these feelings of antipathy were surely compounded by the burning smell from the heaters and clear gasket issues that the seeping old V6 was having underneath that illusory plastic engine cowling, though to its credit it wasn't too hard to squeeze some miles out of the engine to at least get me home from my current consignment. Let it rest, top it up with oil and coolant, wipe the sludge from the dipstick and pray it gets me home and to be fair, it did.

When it ran well it was solid on the motorways. It's just ugly as f*** and you can feel that in the handling anywhere else.

The thing has a big high a***, with a big enough engine up front that is completely wasted on how high the rear end of the car sits and it being FWD. Useless, like trying to throw a sack of potatoes around a room and begging fo the sack to say it loves you. It doesn't. It'll just chuck a spud in your face when you get bored to remind you of how boringly present it is. You wish you were in another car.

To conclude, I think these heaps of Audicity will probs all get scrapped and anyone who keeps one on hoping for it to become a classic will be disappointed at the absolute heifer they've lumbered themselves with. It's no fun to f*** when you're not getting f***ed back. And besides, I found it hard enough to gleam any info or parts when I did want to fix that brieff and loveless relationship.

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leann marshall

We understand that when it comes to your first small property loan, you want the best financing for a doctor. A farm loan can be obtained at any time from Regional & Rural Finance Brokers. Northern Queensland outback cattle loan brokers can assist you from the minute you inquire to the completion of the deal. Because we are so informed with rural financing, we can handle anything. You may concentrate on finding the ideal house while we handle all of the paperwork. Read more


Thought it was an urban myth that Pininfarina designed the 205? Gerard Welter says it was done in house. Read more

peugeot 406 hdi 110 exec estat

Yes i loved the 205...the best of all was the could thrash the daylights out of them they went well and 60 mpg...they were far better than anything of its time...similar 406 and 309 diesels not to mention 405 were easily achieving 300.000 miles without problem and no rust...current 406 hdi has 382 000 miles all original engine and gearbox...just service regularly....the 1997 cc rhz engine in 8 valve also fitted to peugeot expert was the best of the lot

barrie crowther

Chrysler Neon: What is the matter with you writers promoting fast powerful cars. Everything will cost more, insurance, petrol, wear and tear, and be totally anti-social in these days of climate change. Promote low polluting cars and do us all a favour; in other words grow up. Read more

Ian Litchfield

Absolutely super little sports car. Had mine now for 19 years, was going to scrap it last year but decided to spend a ton on it and restore it. The engine didn't need to be touched, 110K miles and as strong as ever, 250K is not unusual on these motors, they are very strong. In all that time it never let me down once. Now it's super rare and nice to drive something a little different.

class classic vw Read more

Alexander Adamson

The e36 compact never got the Z axle rear end, it retained e30 semi trailing arms as did the z3. Hence why it handles in a more traditional BMW manner than the understeery saloon etc variants. Read more