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Could anyone recommend a carpet source + fitter around the Glos area ? (burgundy wool with beading).... Read more
Could anyone recommend a carpet source + fitter around the Glos area ? (burgundy wool with beading).... Read more
Hello, I'm trying to find my late grandads old Humber Hawk. I believe it is a pre war Hawk, he Painted it Maroon when he restored it. Reg HOH53. If anyone can help me it would be much appreciated. Picture attached is the old Hawk and my Grandad at a show at the NEC Birmingham.
Thank you in advance.... Read more
Thank you, yeah I had been on the DVLA and seen it was sorn.
It is now being hired out for films:
I can rememnber these large Vauxhall saloons being a familiar sight until they all rusted away by the eighties. Alwatys thought they looked very stylish with their four headlamp front end, coke bottle styling and vinyl roofs on top of the range The Victors were the more basic versions, the VX 4/90 was the sprorting 2 litre version with more equilpment, and there was a luxury Ventora model with a straight six engine. Anyone have good or bad memories of the FD and does anyone still have one? Read more
What are the best classic car shows you have seen or particiapted in UK ? Read more
The Festival of the Unexceptional.
Hello,me too, i love that car so much. I hope I'll have it one day and wish you the same :)
It's last MoT expired August 2012.