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October 2022

biggins and beagle

I was out bided on this car by what looks like a total time wasting tyre kicker

The car had been on bid for £1,380.00 for quite a while. Then I can and placed my bid of £1,550 five minutes before the auction ended
Then the £1,380.00 went upto £1,400.00 and then up a little bit more and a bit more and so on until it went to £1,550 and then finally £1,600

The original bidder of £1,380.00 had high feed back, but this latest bidder who was out bidding me only had a feed back score of 2

Again it looks to me like a total time waster. but if that time waster had not of bided then I would of won the auction for £1,420.00 not £1,550.00. So if the wining bidder dose not turn up to buy then the seller may offer it to me at my highest rate. But have I over paid for this?

Look at this site

it values the car at £1,600.00 for fair condition

Question, from the add do you think the car is in fair condition and do you think the evaluation is right?

Thanks Read more

Ana William

In general, classic cars like the Morris Marina can be quite valuable, particularly if they are in good condition and have been well-maintained.