Massive Classic Car Auction in Leominster Today

Don't forget. Brightwells is holding a huge Classic Car auction at Easters Court, Leominster tomorrow, Wednesday 26th November. The star lot is a magnificent and rare 1960 Facel Vega HK 500 estimated at £105,000 - £125,000, but there are plenty of other gems from less than £1,000.
Everything you'd expect at a big classic car auction and lots of unusual lots you won't find anywhere else, such as two Austin Maxis and two Allegros.
Previous previews of the sale here and here.
We particularly like the look of this 1961 Riley 1.5, an earlier version of which was one of HJ's first cars, bought for £225 but later found to be full of filler and an early lesson learned when buying used cars to always carry a magnet. Brightwells Riley 1.5 is the facelift model with concealed boot and bonnet hinges, but still sitting on what are basically Morris Minor underpinnings with torsion beam front suspension and lever arm dampers. Under the bonnet, a twin-carb 1,489cc BMC B series engine, similar to an MGA's, so with a top end of 85-90, these were relatively quick cars in their day.
Brightwells Easter Court undercover auction centre is situated at the junction of Mill Street, Ludlow Road and the A49. Tel 01568 611122.
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