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A Grand Monday: Volkswagen Scirocco

Published 27 May 2019

We don’t normally feature project cars in A Grand Monday, but this one really caught our eye. It's a late model VW Scirocco in one of the best colours, it looks an absolute bargain at £600.

It does need a few jobs, though, the most pressing of which is some small body repairs to the lower sills – nothing too daunting, but enough to warrant an MoT fail.

Rocco 2

Other  than that, in a very detailed description, the vendor reveals that it also requires  some interior tidying and a new speedometer cable, and also a little bit of electronic fettling, most likely down to a lack of use more than anything else.

At 115,000 miles, it’s quite low mileage for the year, while it also comes with a fair bit of history. It looks like an enjoyable and really quite easy project for someone and a bargain at this price!


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