Goodwood Revival - wouldn't it be good to do it '70s and '80s style?

I loved the Goodwood Revival. Every last moment of it. There, I said it. But I do have a slight confession - before I'd made the pilgrimage down to West Sussex, and experienced it myself first hand, I had been quite sceptical. I guess you could say I'm a child of the '70s, and as such, it's this decade, and the one that followed, that really shaped my passions.
So, sports racers and Grand Prix cars of the '50s and '60s, as beautiful, sonourous and valuable as they are, aren't really what I relate to fully. Or they weren't until I'd been to the Revival. Now I appreciate them, and having experienced them first hand, close-up, fully understand just how amazing they are. The noise, the handling, and most of all, the looks, which more often than not has been shaped by a stylist, and not a rule intepretor, with an intimate relationship with sporting reguations. But as much as I appreciate and adore the cars that star in the Revival, they don't quite hit home with quite the same potency as their counterparts from the 1970s and '80s.
Imagine an event - held at Brand's Hatch - that stars such gems as Group B rally cars, the fire-breathing F1 turbos, and world touring car races headlining M3s, Cosworths and 190s. The mouth waters just thinking about it.
As we all know, most peoples' obsession with old cars is enmeshed in their sense of nostalgia. So, the best cars that were making news, and winning races, when we were growing up - say, between the ages of six and 16 years old, are the ones the indelibly embed themselves into our souls. For me, that means the period of time that spans James Hunt and Ayrton Senna in F1, the Triumph Dolomite and Ford Sierra RS Cosworth in touring cars, and Lancia Stratos and Delta Integrale in rallying. And I suspect that there are many thousands of classic car enthusiasts out there who feel the same.
That sounds like a huge period of time to cover, we're looking at around a 12-year span, one that's far narrower than the Revival currently enjoys. Realistically, we'd open our alternative Revival to cars between 1970-'89.
But that's what I'd love to see in a single celebratory themed weekend of motor racing, and pit and paddock action. Imagine an event - held at Brand's Hatch (Goodwood was largely out of action in the 1970s and '80s, while Brands regularly held F1 and touring car races) - that stars such gems as Group B rally cars, the fire-breathing F1 turbos, Group C Le Mans cars, and world touring car races starring M3s, Cosworths and 190s. The mouth waters just thinking about it.
I guess all I need to see that happens is a little bit of money. Anyone up for stumping it up for me? I can't be the only one out there yearning for a '70s and '80s Revival. Surely?
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