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How much is my Peugeot 205 CTI cabriolet with a dimma kit fitted worth?
I have a Peugeot 205 CTI cabriolet with a dimma kit fitted. My husband started to restore but couldn't finish it. I don't know where to begin. Please could you advise. What is it worth? Is it worth restoring? How much will it cost to restore? Please help so I can make a decision.
Asked on 5 April 2017 by SKT

I'm emailed my contact at a Peugeot club. These cars are quite rare, so he's in a better position to advise.The Peugeot Sports Club UK thinks there were only six original Peugeot CTI made Dimma back in the day - so if it's an original one (or has an genuine kit on) then it's very worth saving. To check authenticity, look for Dimma marks on the rear bumper behind numberplate. If it's a copy kit, then it sadly won't be worth very much. Club member Chris Hughes says, 'Value is very much dependent on condition - anything from £1000 to £25,000, depending if it's an original Dimma and if it's restored to original condition.' If you want to get in contact with the club, they're on Facebook ( and respond to messages quickly.
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