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How should I go about getting a valuation for my 1969 Morris Minor Traveller?
I have a 1969 Morris Minor Traveller that was used by the British Army and I'm trying to find a rough idea of the car's value. It's done 57,000 miles and has a ring binder packed full of history (including a conversion to a 1300 Marina engine and 5 speed transmission). Its in excellent condition and, as far as I can tell, is not restored, just well maintained. I realise its hard to answer from just these details, but if there's anything you can suggest I would appreciate the help.
Asked on 20 March 2017 by Kerri Summers

If you're looking for a specific valuation for insurance purposes, the best people to speak to are the Morris Minor Owners' Club ( A mint condition Traveller that needs no work would be fore sale on a dealer's forecourt for more than £10,000 while you can just about pick up a project for under £2000. Have a look in our classifieds section ( and try to spot a similar vehicle to yours in terms of a guide price. Be aware that the mods will be attractive to some, but could put others off.
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