Ford Fiesta Mk1 (1976 - 1983)

1.1 ghia
simple cheap reliable car.Wave at broken down euroboxs as you sail past
I was talked into getting a Mk1 Fiesta as many years ago my wife had one and loved it.They are getting old now with the newest being about 30 yrs old ! We found a good one owner with 50,000 miles on quite easy though.At first it was just for weekend nostalgia trips and joy rides however we grew to love its frugal fuel use and simplicity more and more.Especialy as we were starting to hate the electrical niggles ,faliures and thirst for crude of our daily use car(vw polo another story).Anyway the plan was to sell the polo and use the Fiesta while we shopped for a replacement.Still using the fiesta its wonderful never fails to start runs on fresh air virtualy and as writing nothing has gone wrong.I have made a few upgrades such as electronic ignition and some LED dash lights so I can see the speedo at night but overall a great car you can maintane with a knife and fork and sticky tape if you need's that uncomlicated by computers and engine management guff.It is very comfy in ghia spec good seats and handles well.They should make cars like this new I,d buy one it works and as our government says 'its fit for purpose'