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Edd China: Why I quit Wheeler Dealers

Published 22 March 2017
Edd China talks about what lead him to leave one of the most popular motoring TV shows on the planet.
Nick Cornwell-Menzies on 21 March 2017
Sad to hear Edd is to leave Wheeler Dealers, but like Edd I felt going 'State-side' has changed the 'feel' of the series, taking it off in a direction I for one was fast beginning to lose interest in. Wheeler Dealers was at its best covering our own native and European car industries which is where most of the interest this side of the pond is found. Good luck to him, hats-off for retaining integrity which is seldom the case nowadays, and with a bit of luck the BBC will entice him to Top Gear and eventually Ant too! I might even start watching TG again 'cos it certainly ain't working as it is at the moment!
Edited by Nick Cornwell-Menzies on 21/03/2017 at 20:14
emmet lyons on 21 March 2017
Have to say fair play to Edd the shows were not the same as they used to be I used to enjoy watching him tearing things down and learning new things when he would go through how things should be done. Have to wish him all the best with his future projects I for one will be keeping an eye out for what ever he decides to do ??on 22 March 2017
I agree with his assessment! The hands on was the best part. All the other US shows have more to do with "personalities" and in some cases T&A. Good luck Edd you were great on this show.Chris Cartmell on 22 March 2017
Totally support Ed China in his decision to leave, I can see WD's degenerating to another "Whiz Wheels" programme like "Top Gear". It's Ed's mechanical side of the prog that makes it so interesting for me. Hope that another production company make him an offer. With the growing interest in Classic Cars, perhaps he may be drawn in that direction. Chris Cartmell - Rover Sports RegisterKeith Gibbins on 22 March 2017
Clearly a disappointment to lose the key reason why we watched.I suspect we have all purchased a secondhand vehicle and had the joy of applying some TLC and getting some China-ese guidance was good!
Hopefully a new programme will be in the offing for Edd.
Kevin Hitcham on 22 March 2017
In fact Edd China, Ant Anstead and Mike Brewer should do Top Gear instead of the jokers we have at the moment. Cant those idiots at the BBC see this. Come on BBC wake up for goodness sake.Geoff Lancaster on 22 March 2017
Ed's not only a big man, he's a big personality and has a huge following amongst enthusiasts. It wont be long before he's back on our screensgavsmit on 22 March 2017
An amazingly talented person - from mechanical repairs through to bodywork and then even upholstery - he can turn his hand to anything! Even this sad news just further proves what a decent person he is too - choosing integrity over the big bucks of big corporations run by marketing men who are not car enthusiasts.Like others have said, I hope someone else snaps him up quick to get him back on our screens as soon as possible.
Good luck Edd and all the best for the future - you deserve it.
on 22 March 2017
Aye Edd china made the show, a proper blokes show it was very interesting when edd explained the engineering problems and solutionsRAF FORDSON on 22 March 2017
Edd China made this show with his mechanical repairs and knowhow any one can bolt parts on to a car but it takes some one like Edd to pass on that know how I for one a mechanic for over 40 years will fined it pointless seeing the show as the mechanical part of the show was the most interesting part of this show .steve gawthrop on 22 March 2017
i cant believe they think they can replaceEdd, this guy is a master, its Edds workings that made me watch the show, i shall be watching Edd on you tube now and forget wheeler dealers till they realise their mistake, good luck mike, with the new show but i need Edd in the workshop, so you tube here i come
samnash on 22 March 2017
Who else would fit a new chassis to a Morgan or TVR and treat it just as another days work, Edd China you are a STAR.Mark Heitman on 23 March 2017
I totally agree with all the comments regarding Mr. Edd China. An absolute gentleman and phenomenal talent. He was and is the reason we all tuned in each week to Wheeler Dealers. As an American, I can say I too felt the show went in a direction I did not agree with and found it lacking on so many levels. Edd's incredible knowledge, skill as well as his enthusiasm were the cornerstone of the show and the reason we all watched. Wheeler Dealers will not be the show we all cherish and though I wish Mike Brewer well, cannot stand long on marketing and gimmicks to keep the audience. I too will be looking for and will support Edd in his new endeavors. All the best my friend.Mr Alexander E Bevan on 23 March 2017
Ed is the only person worth watching on the programme . I will not watch it once Ed has gone . Alex Bevanon 23 March 2017
I always used to fast forward Mike's bit anyway. If Ed starts a new show concentrating on the restoration, it will be a success...BRIAN DAVY on 24 March 2017
ED you were the STAR of the show it was brilliant.I don't think the show could possibly be the same with out you.Maybe the FAT BLOKE will have to do some work now.GOOD LUCK .John Beecroft on 24 March 2017
John BeecroftSo sad to read Ed that you're leaving Wheeler Dealers. You were the key reason I enjoyed watching the show. I have learned so much just watching you and now tackle certain jobs with a much higher level of confidence.
I absolutely applaud your integrity, good luck for the future and I'll be looking out to see your new programme with real interest and am certain it will be a success.
All the best John
Anthony Dodd on 24 March 2017
Tony DoddJust got the news that Ed is leaving, I am absolutely gutted!!, there is no other car show to match it!!, he is a true master!, looking forward for is future shows and I know he will b successful.
All the very best Tony
G Harper on 24 March 2017
Plus Edd can drive showed Brewer up many times so much better than those monkeys on top gear plus only two of them are allowed to play with anything faster than a milk float!
Which goes to show that that has lost it also.
But all we get is American Dross TV full of cack with no substance well apart from what there smoking but hey ho as long as the camera can see the advert hoardings there ok!
Was at friends other day had the tack you get on cable/box? more advert time than programme and stuff continually repeated as each time came back on
We need Edd in a real proper "English" TV programme so not with wishey washey camera work with some idiot shouting trying to sensationalise things
conman on 27 March 2017
Come on Ed start your own programme. Anyone with a big mouth can sell a car, repairing it is another matter.Robert H Bamford on 27 March 2017
All the best Edd.WD possibly heading into the abyss with TG.
I was always concerned about the low rate for your efforts which were costed into the sale price of the motors.
Wish I could get the same skills for the same rate.
Don1988 on 27 March 2017
WD has been a great series although I didn't enjoy the US versions so much. I now understand why Mike had started to help out with the cars. Good luck Ed.w124bookman on 27 March 2017
Shame to see Edd leaving. As others have said, he's the main reason for watching, not gor blimey missus loveaduck apples and pears innit Mike B.Always a joy to see Mike the great WD buying parts, paying the quoted price and saying 'You gotcha self a deal mate'.
Edd's part in the show which, let's face it, is most of it, provides some really useful hands on info about the various repairs.
I wish him well with his next project.
w124bookman on 27 March 2017
Shame to see Edd leaving. As others have said, he's the main reason for watching, not gor blimey missus loveaduck apples and pears innit Mike B.Always a joy to see Mike the great WD buying parts, paying the quoted price and saying 'You gotcha self a deal mate'.
Edd's part in the show which, let's face it, is most of it, provides some really useful hands on info about the various repairs.
I wish him well with his next project.
Compost Corner on 27 March 2017
In cutting down Edd's technical sections and mechanical explanations, the show's new owners have managed to completely miss the point of what made WD so popular in the first place - it was different, it was technical and it wasn't just another generic car show.Add should get a spot on Top Gear.
Terrence Farrall on 27 March 2017
I always watched wheeler dealers with enthusiasm, Edd is one of the finest presenters on television today, his engineering skills, knowledge, hintsand tips made his presentation a pleasure to watch, at all times I could hear and understand every single word he said. Some of the actors on television mumble their words and cannot compete with the background noises. I turn the programmes off.
Edd is a genius motor engineer, and I hope will soon be back on our screens. A natural presenter.
Terry F.
Barry Laidler on 27 March 2017
The money men have won again! All the motoring programmes over the years have moved away from helping the average man to being just "entertainment". You only have to look at how Top gear has changed!I learned a lot from watching Ed China fixing all those different problems, mechanical,bodyworkm upholstery, painting, etal.
I for one will not be watching the new Wheeler Dealers. I will wait to see what Ed comes up with.
So again, thank you Ed for not only entertaining us, but also for proving that if you put your mind to it, you too can do a lot of the work yourself, saving pounds.
Geoff Crawford on 27 March 2017
Ed China is irreplaceable- what are the clowns that hold the purse strings thinking of?WD was (is) the only thing worth watching out of some 800 channels (mostly American imported rubbish, we in the UK have to put up with). I will be reaching for the off switch on my TV much more often now.
Geoff, North Wales.
James A on 27 March 2017
Thank you Edd for being up front with your reasons to move on. Also, for the useful hints and most importantly, showing how to do various jobs with a very easy to follow description. Not an easy task.I remember you doing another classic car show and appreciated your knowledge.
The big plus of 'old' WD was there was never a last minute panic to get the car out as is the norm with every American car show I have seen. Is this how the 'new look' WD is going to evolve? I am one less viewer.
Looking forward to seeing the new projects Edd, all success to you
Jacobs Dad on 27 March 2017
Ed you always made it work, I was a mechanic for the first few years of my working life and have a can do attitude, watching you was always fun and learning about relevant bits on different cars. The show was fun when based on European cars as soon as it went state side it went south for me.Look forward to seeing your reappearance in the near future, your talents will be picked up soon enough if not your could always earn a living fixing cars. Good luck to you Mr Nice guy.
Paulo Versace on 27 March 2017
TV Programmes like Wheeler Dealers work through Chemistry of the hosts, and the way the bring the best out in each other.. Ed and Mike have this formula just like the original Top Gear hosts had Chemistry.. Its a very hard thing to get right but when you do, its a receipe for success.
Wheeler Dealers found this in Ed China and Mike Brewer. I probably speak for myself but without the magnificenmt two, I probably wont watch it again. Its just never the same.
Good luck Ed
Richard Fyfe on 27 March 2017
Totally support Ed China in his decision to leave, I can see WD's going like "Top Gear". It's Ed's mechanical side of the program that makes it so interesting for me and many thousands of fans. We will all follow Ed to his new site!Thanks to Ed China this show gave me more maintenance tips, fixes and easy explanations than any other TV car show. (the American shows Suck at this!)
The American way is to grab something that looks lucrative without any understanding of why the popularity. They will then Bean Count it into oblivion, when rating drop, will then drop it fast.
Peter Bloxham on 27 March 2017
Well done Ed, glad to see you are not accepting the dumbing down of what was an excellent programme.......your "technical" side was what made the programme so interesting.It would be so good to have a serious programme on all the new technologies emerging in the motoring world.......not just another juvenile Top Gear / Grand Tour type of programme.
Whatever you move of luck.
Peter B.
Roarke on 27 March 2017
Agree they're good together but in the end Edd is the one I want to see, wth his welders or spanners, he's taught me a huge amount about repairs, cars, bench presses, carburettors and all the rest of how he restores.
Chris Coates on 27 March 2017
You're a true gent Ed and a real talent. You will be sadly missed especially by Mike Brewer I suspect. Wishing you every success in your new ventures and I very much hope we will see you on the box - to won't be the same until you are. All the best.Chris C - Southampton
edders1690 on 27 March 2017
Thought something was not right when Mr Brewer started doing some of the spanner work!. Ed you are an inspiration to weekend mechanics like myself and you have given me the confidence to have a go at jobs I would never have attempted. I completely understand your reason for leaving and commend you for that, Wheeler dealers will not be the same again. Please come back to our screens with some more restorations!.Ray G - Leeds
jonharnew on 28 March 2017
I,m sure with his proven and obvious skills he could get backing to start the program again under his own direction.ian Allman on 28 March 2017
Times are tough for most folk. More and more will now need to maintain and repair there own motor cars. This is where you can really come to the front and enhance an already fine reputation. We want to learn, we need to know how to fix our 'carriages' Don't miss this great opportunity. Leave the fast talk to the fast buck Yanks. They don't fix things they throw them away and pollute our planet. We British don't do that. I know, my car is 29 years old and doing fine.Keep batting on Edd. Good Engineers always make it work.
Ian Allman - North West England.
on 28 March 2017
Edd.Sorry you are leaving, but I fully understand. Owning two classic cars in need of restoration I found wheeler dealers very informative that is referring to the information you personally provided. Every thing of any value in England been for sale to the lowest bidder for many years, asset stripped by competitors then discarded.
I am sure with your knowledge and positive manor you will have every success future.
on 28 March 2017
Edd.Sorry you are leaving, but I fully understand. Owning two classic cars in need of restoration I found wheeler dealers very informative that is referring to the information you personally provided. Every thing of any value in England been for sale to the lowest bidder for many years, asset stripped by competitors then discarded.
I am sure with your knowledge and positive manor you will have every success future.
Rodney Kent on 28 March 2017
Edd China was like an old friend. I loved the fact he was so knowledgable about car mechanics, but so humble and down to earth. I found watching him fixing up cars very therapeutic, as it took me back to my younger days in the 70's when I used to fix up old Fords. The new replacement, Ant will never take his place, so I will not be watching Wheeler Dealers from now on!Tug Wilson on 29 March 2017
Great shame to see Ed leave the programme as he was the only valuable part of it. Mike Brewer was a buffoon when it came to cars. He paid far more than he should for some real rubbish and the announced that they had made a profit, when Ed's labour had cost a couple of thousand pounds which was never factored in.Ed can be successful in anything he chooses and I look forward to seeing him back wirh a programme where he is the focus and not some dogy ex car dealer.
Good luck Ed.
dieseltaylor on 3 April 2017
Very sad. Going after the money can really destroy otherwise good things.However in the end it may be for the greater benefit of us and of Ed.
Glen Dowie on 8 April 2017
I wondered why in the latest programmes. Mike has started to do some of the mechanical work himself. Also at a recent car show Mike was at pains to explain that he's a qualified mechanic as well. I'm sure is true, but never heard that one before. The new guy was there & seemed ok, but a bit Top Gearish if you know what I mean.It's a shame, as the chemistry between both Mike & Ed was fantastic & both are great characters, but nothing that honest, survives untouched in today's money world.
Anyway good luck to all of them, but I agree with a previous comment, that Mike & Ed should team up on Top Gear with another BRITISH personality not American, & try & rescue that classic.
Edited by Glen Dowie on 08/04/2017 at 09:42
Adam king on 14 April 2017
Shame your going good luck pal get your own show or there's always topgear or scrapheap challenge iwont be watching much moreon 14 April 2017
Not much more to say reading the comments its all been said, been a great show will miss it, like Top Gear will be rubbish now, as some have said they would off been great for top gear, all the best programs ruined, good luck Ed you made it a great show and good luck.Alan Sword on 15 April 2017
So sad to hear this. Personally I like Ant Anstead & would love to see him & Edd do a new series together. I'd hate to see Edd go to Top Gear as I'd long turned off when all the fake scenarios got boring & the same every week. One thing that did disappoint me was that Mike didn't stand together with Edd & support him. I know a lot of people give Mike a hard time but I genuinely enjoyed watching both of them interact together. I gave up watching shows like Fast and Loud & Misfit Garage ( or whatever it was called) because all they did was yap away or shout at each other with very little actual fixing cars. Edd will be back Im sure & maybe this time with a co-host who has the same ideas/ideals that he has. All the bestAlan Sword on 15 April 2017
So sad to hear this. Personally I like Ant Anstead & would love to see him & Edd do a new series together. I'd hate to see Edd go to Top Gear as I'd long turned off when all the fake scenarios got boring & the same every week. One thing that did disappoint me was that Mike didn't stand together with Edd & support him. I know a lot of people give Mike a hard time but I genuinely enjoyed watching both of them interact together. I gave up watching shows like Fast and Loud & Misfit Garage ( or whatever it was called) because all they did was yap away or shout at each other with very little actual fixing cars. Edd will be back Im sure & maybe this time with a co-host who has the same ideas/ideals that he has. All the best EddTony Keast on 8 May 2017
So sad that Ed is leaving. Like others' I would have thought that Mike would have gone with him as together they have made a great team. Maybe Top Gear together with some of their talents they have shared on Wheeler Dealers would be enough to re kindle some of the old magic and fun from the old days? [See OLD episode of Clarkson/May and Hammond before the silly episodes!] Good luck Ed and hope to see you again soon and many thanks for making potentially boring and complicated working on vehicles interesting and informative. Am taking a few of you tips to enhance my classic and they mention you when I enquire! Best of luck buddy and see you soon.T. H. Riffle on 22 May 2017
Very sorry to see Edd China leave. Well, dough I'll be watching Wheeler Dealer much any more-like many others it was Edd China I tuned in to see. Another classic example of the "bean counters" killing a program.gary coney on 28 May 2017
always liked the show. apart from the b***** music we are English ,not American we don't need stupid drumming while someone is talking, I was watching one show and while and while edd was talking some idiot of a producer decided to get my attention even more intense by getting some m**** to hit a cast iron drain pipe with a large hammer!!! correct me if I'm wrong but where does that help? In the end I have now stopped watching the show. Ruined by idiot American m****s who have the affront to call themselves producers, yea of d*****.edward mora on 12 September 2017
when you have a mechanical engineering genius explaining complicated repairs in a language that anyone can comprehend that isleaving a program because "details are not important" and money is the driving force, the quality and magnetism of WD is lost...i am truly going to miss Edd China's witty and informative solutions and his mechanical experience. Good luck Big Guy ...i hope you show up soon
ed mora
Joseph Peña on 29 September 2017
I wish you the best Edd you will be missed, I hope you get a deal with a network, good luckMichael Gingerich on 25 October 2017
Ed was the reason why even watched the show! What a shame to see him go. His skills have helped me and I hope many others. Thank you! You will be sorely missed.on 18 January 2018
Ant is perhaps the finest restorer of collectible cars i have ever seen on television. Some of his work has achieved world record price at auction. Why on earth he has dumbed down and joined mike brewer who adds little or nothing to Wheeler Dealers is beyond me. The new show is sadly lacking in real hands on how to do it and is no longer on my favourites viewing list. I hope someone snaps up Ed Chinas skills and forms a real car restoration feast for us to watch.Peter Suttle on 23 January 2021
@Edd Thank you for your contribution. Watching the WD shows with you involved has helped to reinforce what I already knew but also gave some insight into other areas that I would have only discovered through many years of experience / cost if the opportunity arised (some potentially lost to history).Thankfully that is a foundation of engineering but there are very few people in all of out lives that we can truly refer back to. You sir are one of them for many.
Thank you and all the best for your future.
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