Strong money paid for personal registration plates

As classic car values continue to rise, so does the demand for private registration plates.
At the DVLA number plate sale at Twickenham Rugby Club in September, private plates made big money.
The current trend is for first name plates, which are the ones making the money, says number plate retailer
Top money went to ‘26 O’ (£30,000), ‘HA12 VEY’ (£20,300), ‘5000 S’ (£18,200), ‘888 X’ (£16,600) and ‘HA12 LEY’ (£12,200).
Other plates commanding a strong price were ‘1962 AB’ (£14,500), ‘GR14 HAM’ (£10,800) and ‘8 SCR’ (£10,0000.
Meanwhile, there was also deand for ‘11 HFS’ (£9700), ‘1 GVC’ (£9200), ‘6 DSK’ (£9000), ‘ST11 EVE’ (£7700), ARF 9N (£7400), ‘FR14 SER’ (£7100) and ‘1976 AA’ (£6000).
The next DVLA sale of Personalised Number plates is scheduled for 26-28 November, at the The Vale Resort. Hensol, Vale of Glamorgan.
There will be the usual mix of names, initials and car related number plates going under the hammer.
- For more information,
Julie Jacobs on 11 November 2014
I have been looking for a number plate for months on many different site. I found a site called - very helpfully, i felt i got the personal touch when speaking to the advisor. All documents received in 7 days. Great service
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