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NEC to celebrate younger classic petrol heads

Published 29 July 2014

Celebrating the next generation of classic car enthusiasts will be a big part of this year’s Lancaster Insurance Classic Motor Show.

The event, which takes place over the weekend of 14-16 November at the Birmingham NEC, will play host to clubs focussed on younger enthusiasts, including the Oxford University Motorsport Foundation, Young Guns Classics and the Morris Minor Owners’ Club Young Members’ Register.

Event Director Dan Nwaokolo says young people are the future of the classic community. ‘We’re thrilled at the number of younger people we see at the show each year – it’s great to see so many clubs either embracing younger people or youngsters forming their own clubs.’

While some clubs suffer from stagnating or even dwindling memberships, those that embrace younger members are set to flourish. Youngsters are the future of the classic car movement, bringing with them a wider selection of cars into the scene and the enthusiasm needed to keep our hobby alive for years to come.

For more information on the Lancaster Insurance Classic Motor Show visit



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