Motorsport event returns to Crystal Palace

A two-day event with more than 200 cars celebrating all eras of motoring returns to Crystal Palace this August Bank Holiday. London’s Motorsport at the Palace will take place on Sunday 27 and Monday 28 August and celebrate more than 100 years of motoring.
Held at Crystal Palace, one of the oldest venues used for racing in the world and the first place from which live televised motor-racing was ever broadcast, the event attracts motorsport fans from around the world.
Using parts of the iconic racing circuit that still runs throughout the park, the two-day sprint will showcase racing cars from all eras ranging from pre-war leviathans to modern day supercars.
Get up close and personal to a heady mix of metal in the paddock area before watching the cars tear off down the strip in the hope of beating the lap record as the likes of Sir Stirling Moss and James Hunt have done before them.
With around 20 entry classes, ranging from pre-war to modern day, approximately 100 cars will run each day. Cars to look out for include a vintage Bianchi 28/40hp from the turn of the century, a nest full of Wolseley Hornet Specials, to the single seater racers such as a Dempster Ensign KNF3 and Sheane Mk1 Formula Vee.
The show field will house hundreds of classic cars and bikes as more than 20 clubs and their members display their pride and joys including the Crystal Palace Street and Sprint Car Club, Morris Minor Owners’ Club, Fords the Only Way, Stag Owners’ Club, and Alfa Romeo Owners’ Club.
Visitors can enjoy live music from vintage singer Jess De Guidici and get on their dancing shoes for the Rock-ola-Rockets, a four-piece authentic rockabilly band that perform 1950s hits from the likes of Elvis Presley, Buddy Holly and many more.
Peppa Pig and George will be making personal appearances at intervals throughout the day along with The Transformers to keep the children entertained. There are also fun fair rides, entertainers, stunt performers and food stalls complete the mix.
Tickets are now on sale, with adults passes from £12 when booked in advance. Children under 15 go free when accompanied by a paying adult. Car parking is available on-site and is free to visitors. For more information visit
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