Low mileage Sierra for sale at £6000

A 1992 Ford Sierra Sapphire 1.8 LX with less than 17k on the clock is up for sale at £6000. The car, which is based in Northern Ireland has been with the current owner since 2001, has never been out in the rain and is said to be in superb condition.
The advert says, ‘We have owned the car since 2001 and have driven it very little since then, it was bought at 16,037 miles and currently, with only 16,600 miles on the clock, never having been intentionally taken out when raining and never having experienced salted roads, this car is understandably in superb condition.’
According to the advert, ‘In 2009 we trailered the car to have the underside Waxoyled, the company had intended to wash underneath the car prior to Waxoyling, but decided against that plan as they suspected that the underside had never been subject to rain and road dirt.
‘The underside was thoroughly cleaned by high pressure air, then fully Waxoyl treated. The underside is as clean and tidy as the topside. The Grey Velour interior is spotless, everything except the tyres is original. The Ford radio is in place but may need re-coded. Original handbook and various other original booklets are included.’
Datsun Dave on 4 May 2016
£6000 for a bogo spec Sierra? The world has gone mad...
Tenchman7 on 4 May 2016
Built to last longer than our new cars of today which start failing after 6-7 years! Not worth £6000 of course but nearer £4000 might be worth a look for somebody!. Never liked the Sapphire much myself.
anglebox on 6 May 2016
Umm... I like Fords but that does seem a little steep. At that price, I'd probably look for an XR4i. But, there are a few Sierras like that for sale at the moment. There's a 1988 1.8 GL with 2100 on the clock for sale at £9500.
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