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Strike At Morris Plant Ends

25 May 1963


The unofficial strike at Morris Motors plant at Llanelli ended tonight when the 2,200 men decided to return on Monday.

The factory has been at a standstill since Wednesday when there was a strike in the press shop. Mr E. Murphy, district secretary of the Transport and General Workers' Union, said that negotiations would open with the management on Tuesday. They, would be concerned principally with a general increase in rates for all T.G.W.U. members and an increase in piecework compensatory rates. If necessary a review of the piecework structure generally might be sought.

The Pressed Steel Company, Cowley, yesterday said they had offered to bring forward from June 10 to May 30 a meeting to discuss wages with the seven unions having hourly paid time workers at the factory if the 206 strikers there returned to work immediately. Some 5,300 car workers at the two Cowley factories of Pressed Steel and Morris Motors are idle because of two unofficial strikes.

The second was the one at Llanelli. The Pressed Steel strike is over the company's rejection of a pay claim by several hundred skilled workers employed on the manufacture and maintenance of dies, jigs, and tools. Pressed Steel make car bodies for a number of big manufacturers, including B.M.C., Rootes, and Jaguar.

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