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I need a part for my 1995 Nissan Micra that's no longer made - where can I find one?
The intermittent function of the windscreen wipers on my 1995 Nissan Micra does not work, but the normal and fast functions do work. I'm given to understand that I need a Wiper Control Box, but Nissan no longer make the part. So far, I have not been successful in obtaining a secondhand part on eBay or from a breakers. I should be grateful if you could suggest any other source I could try, please.
Asked on 18 January 2018 by David Davies

As long as the wipers can clear the windscreen, the car will still pass its MoT. Are you 100 per cent sure you need a new wiper control box? If you really can't live without this function then be prepared to spend time and money replacing it. If you can't find a part via a scrap yard or eBay, get in contact with one of the Nissan Micra clubs and see if they can help. They might even be able to suggest a workaround.
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