Ford Puma (1997 - 2001)

Underrated but a brilliant drivers car!
I’ve owned mine for 15 years which is testament to just how good this car is. Other cars have come and gone but this is a keeper. Like an MX5 it’s often stupidly dismissed as a hairdressers car by some people that have usually never driven one, If you enjoy driving you’ll enjoy this car, it’s Rev hungry variable cam timing, slick precise gearbox and precision handling just come together for a fantastic driving experience! Yes it’s a Fiesta underneath but that is actually a positive now it’s an old car for the masses of spare parts out there! Rear wheel arch rust is its main enemy but this can be put right. It’s under the radar right now and values reflect that but numbers are dwindling and it’s time will come and their values can only go one way now!