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Pieces of history
I have just been saddened by the sight of an elderly victim of the car scrappage scheme. At a local car breakers, an early Humber Sceptre in superb condition has been stripped for banger racing. This was being done reluctantly by the yard owner, who he had no option but to destroy a lovely car, which he knew was well worth saving. Recently a line-up of other ‘classics’ had gone the same way. Apart from destroying some fine cars just for a few cheap thrills at the local racetrack, this must also have a negative long-term effect on garages and suppliers who repair and restore classic cars. The scrappage scheme is now drawing to a close, but is there any way of saving classics that have nor yet been scrapped?
Asked on 2 January 2010 by S.H., Woodford

There's another example, of a Triumph Mayflower (an awful car, but a rare one) in the Backroom Forum at hjuk. But all anyone had to do was offer the owner £2k and they could have taken the car off his hands. Dealers should pre-advertise cars like this on a special 'Save it from Scrappage’ register. So back in October I started one in The Backroom forum at
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