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Our Cars: 1988 Lancia Delta Integrale 8V

8 September 2013: Making a Grand Rendezvous

The Lancia's had a pretty quiet summer all told. It's not been out much on account of a busy few months getting Honest John Classics up and running, and having a ball testing all manner of classics for the reviews section. But being the generous soul that I am, I couldn't leave the 'Grale languishing in my garage too long - instead, I lent the car to my mate, and brilliant photographer, Richard Kilpatrick. That he has a half-empty three-car garage had nothing whatsoever to do with the decision. Oh no, nothing at all.

Richard had been fettling the car while it was in his garage - the radiator fans weren't working when it arrived at his place, and the engine, gearbox and differential oils all needed changing. Richard being Richard also decided to start fettling, sorting out the dodgy headlamp wiring while he was there. Still, it's not all been hard work for him - he's been exercising the 'Grale regularly, enjoying its inspirational steering and roadholding, while marvelling at how much better a LHD Delta's driving position is than its RHD counterpart.

My mate Richard's been exercising the 'Grale regularly, enjoying its inspirational steering and roadholding, while marvelling at how much better a LHD Delta's driving position is than its RHD counterpart

It's desperately in need of new tyres, though, and just like me, isn't too keen on playing in the wet until it's reshod.

We decided to travel down to Chelsea in convoy - him leading the way in the Lancia, and me following in Toyota GT's Corolla GT. After a while, I overtook, and as we drove along the M1 at 70mph, Richard could quite clearly hear my Toyota over and above the Lancia. I knew that exhaust was loud! I also loved watching the Lancia in my mirrors - what a great looking car it is.

The event was a great success, and although the convoy around London was a bit of a farce, it proved that the little Lancia is cool enough to gain access to all the best events. As we headed back north after a long morning showing off our cars, the traffic in London's West End had really picked up. Would the Lancia explode in a ball of flames? Not at all - Richard was happy in it, the fans were behaving, and all the temperatures remained nominal. And in the rain, even the wipers worked, even if the aged tyres didn't.

It was good to give the old girl an airing - even if I wasn't at the wheel - and I hope that's a much more regular occurence in the coming years.

Lancia Integrale And BMW M3

« Earlier: Lancia Delta heads for Perfection     Later: Audi vs Lancia »

Our Lancia Delta Integrale gets an outing on the Hagerty Drive it Day, and we're now looking forward to much more driving together during the summer.
Our Lancia Delta Integrale's brilliance is questioned by the arrival of an Audi quattro 20V on the Honest John Classics test fleet
8 September 2013: Making a Grand Rendezvous
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