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Rover SD-1 2600 - Hello, and a Rover problem in Portugal

Good Morning,

First of all, I would like to present myself, I'm new here.

Bernardo Costa, 35y.o., from Portugal, city of Lisbon.

My father gave to me a Rover SD1-2600 from '82 (it's my age).

The car have a problem for 15-20 years, when he went to m

aintenance in rover, it suffered a accident, and just a few years later that we found out..

The cooling system, have that blue piece. which I dond't know the name, and it's broken.

Can anybody help me?

And how can I get a replacement piece?

Thank you all

Best Regards

Bernardo Costa


elekie&a/c doctor    on 20 June 2017

This is the FASD unit .Part of the cold start system for the carburettors. Part is probably obsolete now,but there is a manual choke conversion kit.

Bernardo Costa    on 22 June 2017


Thank's for your answer.

I'm honest. I was excpecting to be more simple , just get a new our used piece and the problem was solved..

Best Regards

Bernardo Costa

Bernardo Costa    on 17 July 2017


I would like to know if you know where can I find and get this conversion kit??


Best Regards

Glaikit Wee Scunner {P}    on 17 November 2017

Good luck. The above link does refer to Manuel though?

Bernardo Costa    on 4 January 2018


Thank's, I didn't saw in the begining.

I'm allreday sending e-mail for them.

Best Regards

Thank you

Bernardo Costa

RaineMan    on 2 February 2018

Rimmer Brothers stock a large range of spares for the SD1 -

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