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« November 1980   | December 1980 |   December 1982 »

Tue, 02 Dec 1980
Leyland Vehicles, the truck and bus side of British Leyland, plans the cutbacks at its Leyland, Preston and Chorley plants after the...
Fri, 05 Dec 1980
HOME NEWS From Clifford Webb. BL has dismissed nine employees, including six shop stewards, for committing acts of gross industrial...
Thu, 11 Dec 1980
By Clifford Webb Midlands Industrial Correspondent BL is closing its Jaguar assembly plant at Coventry today and laying off 2,000...
Fri, 12 Dec 1980
From Our Correspondent Oxford A difference of political opinion led to a fight between two men outside a trade union meeting, Oxford...
Tue, 16 Dec 1980
Adequate stocks needed for car's European launch in the spring, chairman says By Clifford Webb Midland Industrial Correspondent ...
Wed, 17 Dec 1980
By Clifford Webb Midlands Industrial Correspondent Production of BL's Metro and Mini cars was at a standstill again last night after,...
Thu, 18 Dec 1980
From Clifford Webb Birmingham Shop stewards at BL's Longbridge car plant yesterday threatened to step up the strike by 1,300 workers...
Fri, 19 Dec 1980
By Clifford Webb The strike that has stopped production of BL Metro and Mini cars at its Longbridge for the past three days is developing...
Sat, 20 Dec 1980
From Clifford Webb Midlands Industrial Correspondent Birmingham BL management was sticking last night to the strong line it has ten...
Wed, 24 Dec 1980
From Clifford Webb Birmingham Mr Harold Musgrove, chairman of BL's Austin Morris' operation, said last night that the six-day-old...
Sat, 27 Dec 1980
BL management and strikers far apart as Acas launches peace move By Paul Routledge Labour Editor BL's huge strike-bound carmaking...
Mon, 29 Dec 1980
BL was yesterday taking a tough line with strikers at the Longbridge plant in Birmingham on the eve of crucial peace talks. The company...
Tue, 30 Dec 1980
Talks aimed at settling the British Leyland dispute collapsed last night and the company made it clear that it was prepared to bring...