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Leyland rebels in 'no cuts' stand

10 November 1979

By Declan Cunningham

Leyland shop stewards launched a last ditch campaign yesterday against Sir Michael Edwardes plan for 25,000 redundancies. Although the work force voted by a 7:1 majority in favour of the plant closure economies the stewards are not prepared to accept the decision. Meeting in Birmingham, the joint shop stewards combine launched a booklet which claims to put forward an alternative to the sackings at 13 factories. They hope to sell 25,000 copies to shop floor workers. The booklet accuses Leyland chief Sir Michael of presiding over a "continued decline" at BL and says

"It is time to stand up to the Edwardes's of this world."

Shop stewards chairman Mr Derek Robinson hopes the booklet will change the workers' minds.

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