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Union blasts rebel at BL

9 April 1979

By David Jack

Leyland rebel Roy Fraser yesterday felt the full wrath of the mighty Engineering Union — and tomorrow he could face expulsion from its ranks. Union President Terry Duffy made a fierce attack on Mr Fraser's call for an all-out strike by Leyland's skilled workers and urged them to defy the call. At his London home last night Mr Duffy said: "I am convinced that the overwhelming body of skilled men will stay at work.. Leyland is getting out of the red and into the black but every time this happens we get some unofficial strike call which cancels out our attempts to get this straight."

Mr Duffy said he was surprised that local union officials had not disciplined the toolmakers leader whose strike call is over pay differentials. And he warned: "I understand many officials and districts are requesting the Executive Committee to take disciplinary action on this man."

Support for the strike call was believed to be dwindling last night. Meanwhile, at his home last night in the Oxfordshire village of Garsington an angry Mr Fraser denied that he was out to wreck Leyland. He said: "I'm just the man my colleagues has chosen to speak up for them in their claim for a fair reward for the job".

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