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2500 hit by Jaguar strike

29 June 1963


Sixty sheet metal workers decided yesterday to continue their strike at the Jaguar car works in Brown's Lane, Coventry, and by lunchtime the company had laid off all 2,500 workers there because of the shortage of components. Manufacturing work at the firm's Radford tactory in Coventry continued unaffected.

More than 900 assembly workers who were laid off on Thursday reported for work as usual yesterday, and had to await the result of a strikers meeting to learn whether they would be needed for the whole day. The dispute arose over a labour-force strength survey which the sheet metal workers claimed was unconstitutional. There was also a side issue over a notice about the strike signed by the firm's new industrial relations manager, Mr Harry Adey, who was until recently the chief shop steward.

Production workers turning out Jaguar car bodies at the Pressed Steel Company's factory at Stratton St Margaret, near Swindon, have been put on a four-day week.

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