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Work On Jaguar's E-type Halts

14 August 1962

Work On Jaguar's E-Type Halts

Production of the dollar-earning E- type Jaguar cars was halted at the Coventry factory today when 62 men walked out.

The strikers, who are employed on the premount and body assembly work, object to the company's plan to increase the number of workers on these jobs and say that too many extra men there will have an adverse effect on their earnings.

Because of the stoppage about 140 other workers engaged on the E-type assembly were laid off. They were told to report back tomorrow in the hope that the strikers would have returned. An official of the firm said that the strikers, members of the National Union of Vehicle Builders, were told before the walkout that if the operation of the new system meant that they would lose money the matter would be re-examined. The walk- out was against the advice of the shop stewards. The extra labour was required in the assembly section to step up production to meet increased demand for the model.

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