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Redundancy Likely In Motor Firm

22 September 1960


Extensive short-time working is to be operated and some redundancy is likely at the Coventry factories of Standard- Triumph International Company Ltd. as a result of the credit squeeze.

Production workers, already on a four-day week, face a further reduction and talks are being sought with the management by unions. The nightshift has been ended and workers have been switched to day shifts.

Fearing redundancy, 1,000 clerks at the firm are seeking an early meeting with the management. At a meeting of the works branch of the National Association of Clerical and Supervisory Staffs a resolution to seek such a meeting was passed with a request that no redundancy be declared among the clerical workers until all other avenues such as short-time working had been explored. A telegram was also sent to the Chancellor of the Exchequer stating:

"We believe that the present difficulties of the motor industry are the direct result of the credit squeeze and we therefore urge immediate easing of the financial restrictions on the motor industry ".

A British Motor Corporation spokesman said last night that because of the strike at the Birmingham factory of Nuffield Metal Products, no Morris Minor cars were being produced at present. The rate of production had been about 3,000 a week, but now it was nil because of the stoppage.

Mr Frank B. Dixon has been appointed deputy managing director of the board of Standard-Triumph International.

1000 Morris Car Men Laid Off
By Ray Hill

Car workers at Oxford were told were told by the British Motor Corporation last night that production on the Morris
Minor assembly line had been suspended indefinitely.

The workers, 500 on the day shift and 500 on nights, had already been idle for two days because of a strike of 1,000 vehicle builders at Nuffield Metal Products, Birmingham, a BMC subsidiary. Now they have been told they have been laid off until they are sent for.

The Birmingham strikers voted yesterday to stay out in support of their claim for better " waiting time " pay.  This is payment for time when , because of delays on the internal supply line, the men cannot earn their normal piece rates.

Normal production of Morris Minors at Oxford is 400 a day.

At Mulliners, of Birmingham where car bodies are made for Standard Triumph , Ministry of Labour officials yesterday set up an advisory office.
Mulliners have said that because of the credit squeeze on hire purchase at least 700 vehicle builders will be declared redundant later this month.
The Ministry men are advising workers of all other jobs available in the Midlands .

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