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BMC strikers accept union call to return

23 March 1960

By our Midlands Correspondent

The strike of 51 men at the B.M.C.'s Tractor and Transmissions factory at Washwood Heath , Birmingham, which made 22.000 other workers idle, ended quickly yesterday . After a meeting which lasted an hour, at the headquarters of the Transport and General Workers Union in Birmingham, the men decided by 35 votes to four to return to work . Union officials promised them that negotiations about their pay claim would take place as soon as possible.

It is hoped that a works conference will be held today They also passed on to the men - loaders , fork-lift, and platform truck drivers, who had been summoned to the meeting by telegram - a directive from the national executive of the union calling for an immediate return to work

The 10,000 workers who were laid off at the Austin factory at Longbridge have been asked to report at the factory for normal work today.


It was a close shave for the Corporation. "Another few hours and the whole 58,000 workers would have had to be stood off…….. The process of getting back to full production is already under way…… All the men laid off will be recalled gradually, and by Thursday we should be back in full production in all factories…… Because we stopped this time with a reasonably full pipeline of supplies, the process of getting back to full production will be speedier than after previous disputes."

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