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BMC news

9 February 1960

A second strike in a week hit production at the Birmingham car body building factory of Mulliners Ltd, yesterday.  About 300 vehicle builders stopped work after being told the components made by Motor Panels Ltd., of Coventry, had been declared " black." Twenty-two members of the National Union of Vehicle Builders at Motor Panels Ltd., are on strike over alleged discrmination against the union.

A sympathy strike of 220 welders and sheet-metal workers at the Rover Motor Company factory at Solihull, Warwickshire, which stopped production of the Land Rover for a week, ended yesterday. The men came out in sympathy with 39 of their colleagues at the company's works at Clay Lane, Coventry, who had walked out in protest at the replacement of a man who had left their section. These 39 are still on strike.

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FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT BIRMINGHAM, JAN. 29 With more than 24,000 British Motor Corporation workers idle because of the strike...
Mon, 01 Feb 1960
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Thu, 11 Feb 1960
The strike by members of the National Union of Vehicle Builders at Motor Panels, Ltd., Coventry, which has affected vehicle production...
Sat, 13 Feb 1960
Between 1,800 and 2,000 workers at the Rover car factory at Solihull, near Birmingham, were laid off last night for the second time...
Tue, 16 Feb 1960
GLASGOW HERALD There was still deadlock yesterday in the two week old strike of 39 sheet metal workers in the Coventry branch works...
Mon, 22 Feb 1960
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