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Strike Dislocates B.M.C. Car Output

18 November 1959

Car production by the British Motor Corporation was again dislocated by an unofficial strike yesterday. More than 100 press shop workers at the Nuffield Metal Products factory, Washwood Heath, Birmingham, stopped work in a dispute over piecework prices, and 2,000 other workers, including the night shift, were sent home by the management.

The factory produces bodies for the Morris Minor model, and the hold-up in production caused another 800 workers to be laid off at Cowley, where the car is assembled. The day shift on the Morris Minor line at Cowley was told not to report back until tomorrow and there are only two hours' work for the night shift. The strike, if prolonged, is also likely to have repercussions in the engine works at the Austin factory, Longbridge, Birmingham. A spokesman of the B.M.C. said the disputed piecework rates were agreed with shop stewards several months ago and were well established.


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