Does esurance offer Classic Car Insurance?
Does esurance offer classic car insurance?
While esurance has an established partnership with Hagerty to offer classic car insurance in the United States, it currently does not operate outside that market. That means that esurance is not currently able to offer classic car insurance to drivers in the UK.
What kind of insurance does esurance offer?
You can get a wide variety of insurance products from esurance, including standard motor car insurance. However the esurance cannot help with classic car insurance in the UK at this time.
What kind of classic insurance is available?
While esurance offers a range of classic policies in the United States, it does not currently offer a classic car insurance policy in the UK.
What kind of car qualifies as a classic?
Esurance does not give its own qualifications in terms of classic car policies, but most insurers will consider a vehicle a classic if it is more than 25 years old. Newer cars can also be insured on classic policies if they are treated as second cars and used sparingly.
How do I get a quote from esurance?
You can get quotes for a variety of insurance policies from the esurance website - however it does not currently offer policies outside of the United States.
What's the best way to insure a young driver on a classic car policy?
See Also
Footman James Classic Car Insurance
Go Compare Classic Car Insurance
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