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How can I preserve the battery of my car when it's stored over winter?
I plan to over winter my old Morris Minor in an underground car park that has no source of electric power or light. What do you suggest I do to preserve the battery so it will start after three or four months? Alternatively to avoid taking the battery out of the car are there reasonable portable power packs that work, that you can recommend? Anything else I should do leaving it for such periods?
Asked on 10 June 2019 by djk3816

Make sure the battery is fully charged before you store the car and then disconnect it. Ideally, you'd want to hook it up to a trickle charger but with no electricity that's going to be hard unless you remove the battery and take it home with you to charge. Before storing your car, make sure that it's topped up with fuel as this will help prevent corrosion in the tank. It's the same for anti-freeze. Lubricate and grease any nipples and make sure the car is clean and polished if you have time. Don't use the handbrake. There are plenty of portable jump start packs that will do the job if the battery goes flat.
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