Licensing towers

I know very little about cars and have absolutely no interest in them but I do, however, read your column. We are all quick off the mark to criticise the DVLA, and indeed most government departments but I thought I would share this with you. I bought a 2004 Ford Focus 1.8 petrol car back in May. It did not have valid Road Fund Licence. I visited my local DVLA office in Cardiff and bought 6 months worth of tax for £134.75. I received a letter from DVLA today (dated 3 August 2011) saying that I had been overcharged by £19.25. A new tax disc was enclosed together with a request to return my overpriced disc and refund would duly follow. 3 cheers for DVLA- now if only HMRC would deal with any overpayments like this.

Asked on 9 August 2011 by PJS, Cardiff

Answered by Honest John
Like any huge organisation, there are a few bad apples in the DVLA. But a lot of good ones. And considering the DVLA processes around 1,000,000 documents a week, they do a pretty good job. Like you, I only wish HMRC was as efficient.
Tags: dvla feedback
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