Auris failure to proceed

Oil warnings in my 2007 Toyota Auris TR VVT-1-S-A 1600cc Auto. The car has been regularly serviced by Toyota Mail Dealer. Without any "warnings" the car failed to start. We called the breakdown service, checked the oil and found that is what was needed but the car still was immobile.

The car was taken on the Breakdown vehicle to Toyota who now say that the engine has seized up through lack of oil. They are suggesting that it is our fault - but I am appalled that there wasn't a warning of any sort. The car was driven the previous day without any problem/warnings.

Toyota has just informed us that this particular model does NOT have any warning bleeps/lights indicating low level of oil but that there is an oil pressure warning. We did not, however, have any warning at all. Is this a known fault on this model? Obviously we will be having a discussion with Toyota and it would be most helpful to have your response to stregthen our argument with them.

Asked on 23 November 2012 by ROMIKE

Answered by Honest John
Never heard of this before, but it's fortunate that it is a Toyota because Toyota is the best company for out of warranty claims over matters such as this. Keep pushing the dealer to take the matter up. I think you will get some kind of goodwill, even if not the full cost.

Meanwhile I will log this in
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