Pot holes - What happens next?

Whilst driving to work today, I had to pull in sharply to let someone pass on a narrow road which meant I went into a fairly large pot hole (2-3 inches deep - photo taken).

It damaged both of my passenger side wheels (bent the inside of the wheel) and the RAC guy who came to rescue me advised that I am going to need to get two new wheels (and associated tyres).

He replaced the front one with my spare and the rear he bashed the bend so that it doesn't rub and I could at least get to work. However, I'm now at the point where I need to do something about getting 2 new wheels and tyres and I have no idea what to do.

The RAC guy said I'd have to get them from Ford but they're quoting £400+ just for the wheels/tyres and I don't know if thats too much or not. Also, do I get my insurance company involved? Should I try and get the council to pay for the repairs?

I'm in a total nightmare and have absolutely no idea what to do next - any change someone has been in this situation before and can advise me on what to do next?

Asked on 21 November 2011 by geographygirlie

Answered by Honest John
Check on www.fixmystreet.co.uk and www.potholes.co.uk to see if the pothole was previously reported. If so, and it wasn't fixed, you may have a case against the council. If not, report it yourself.
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