Received a Parking Enforcement Notice despite having a valid ticket - how can I defend myself?

I received a Parking Enforcement Notice demanding money for not having a valid parking ticket, despite the fact that I did obtain one. My reason for writing is to ask how I would defend myself and avoid fines and litigation had I not been sensible enough to have retained the ticket? Have other innocent readers of your column had the same experience but not retained their tickets? I would also question why I should be expected to pay £10 to obtain a better quality photo of my car? Why not just provide a decent image in the first place?

Asked on 15 September 2012 by TS, Kidderminster

Answered by Honest John
Of 1,800,000 penalty charges issued by members of the British Parking Association last year, 550,000 remained unpaid, 845 resulted in commencement of court action, 49 actually went to court and BPA members won 24. Those are the odds. From 1st October, BPA members have the right to pursue keepers of cars for charges whether legitimate or otherwise, if the keeper does not identify the driver. There will then be three stages of appeal: to the ticket issuer; to an Independent Appeals Service, and finally to the civil courts.
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