Is it illegal to flash your headlights at oncoming drivers to warn of speed traps?

I understand that motorists have been apprehended recently for flashing their light to warn oncoming drivers of a radar camera. Some years ago Mr Charles Glendinning was taken to the High Court by the DPP after a successful appeal against a court decision, which initially convicted him of wilfully obstructing the police when he waved at other drivers to warn them of a police trap on the A303.

On 13 October 2005 Lord Justice Scott Baker and Justice Owen ruled in Glendinning's favour. Mr Justice Owen said that there was no evidence that any of the motorists warned by Glendinning had been breaking the speed limit or were about to do so. He added that some people might think that the police ought to appreciate the efforts of others to prevent speeding. Does this ruling still stand?

Asked on 18 August 2012 by MR, Worcestershire

Answered by Honest John
Yes it does. But the police in this latest story applied fixed penalties. If the drivers concerned simply paid the penalties then they were in effect ‘confessing’ to avoid their cases going to trial. If the drivers had challenged the police and their cases went to court the police would have lost, but under the new rules the drivers would only be awarded minimum costs, so it's not worth the hassle to contest a £20 fixed penalty with no points.
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