Can you suggest that your readers don't use space-saver wheels on motorways?

I would strongly advise PS, who wrote about space-saver spare wheels, and anyone else who has one, not to venture out on a motorway with one fitted. A few months ago, the AA fitted my space-saver spare after I had a puncture in the rear offside tyre whilst on the M18 in Yorkshire. I made the mistake of continuing my journey home via the M18 and M1, keeping to the recommended 50 mph (satnav correct) in the left hand lane. Those 35 miles were amongst the most frightening I have experienced in 48 years of driving. I was subjected to continual reckless and intimidating tailgating by HGVs whose drivers wanted to go faster. There is absolutely no excuse for the aggression demonstrated by so many drivers on that journey. Their excuse, I am sure, is that they have schedules to meet (as, no doubt, have the sales reps who tailgate at 90 mph in the fast lane). That does not justify breaking the law. These spare wheels are totally unsuitable for use on modern roads if for no other reason than they severely limit defensive driving on motorways needed to get out of the way of HGVs.

Asked on 2 November 2012 by TL, Derby

Answered by Honest John
You are right. The minimum safe speed for a car on a motorway in the left hand lane is a true 60mph to stay ahead of HGVs governed to about a true 56. Really, any vehicle running at 50 in the nearside lane is a hazard and should display an orange flashing light.
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