Three-point U-turn?

In the Daily Telegraph recently the Transport Editor David Millward wrote about the exploitation of motorists by Local Authorities and he cited in particular Westminster Council. I have just had one of these experiences with Hammersmith and Fulham Council, who accused me of doing a U-turn and issued a Penalty Notice.

I reluctantly paid the £65 fine because, if I appealed and they found against me, I would have had to pay £195 plus costs. But I asked them for future reference what their definition was of a U-turn.

After protracted correspondence they said that their definition, established by "their Adjudicator", was in fact what I had done which consisted of reversing into a driveway and then returning the way I had come, whereas of course the accepted definition of a U-turn is actually turning in the road. Hammersmith and Fulham Council told me in writing that they have 50,000 letters a year contesting their Penalty Notices which seems to bear out the exploitation of motorists point.

Asked on 10 September 2011 by RS, Staines

Answered by Honest John
That is extraordinary because it is not the accepted definition of a U-turn and there is nothing illegal in making the kind of turn you made, which is actually a 'three point turn' and something you have to do in your driving test.
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