Removal man

I would appreciate any advice you could give to relieve the plight of a good friend of mine who is in his early 70s and suffers from a minor heart condition. 6 weeks ago, he skidded at slow speed on a patch of black ice in his much beloved 1997 Jaguar XJ6 Sport, which ploughed into a hedge a few miles from his home in the Norfolk countryside. This was his first incident in over 50 years of driving. He was uninjured physically but, as you can imagine, the experience affected him deeply. The car was drivable but with extensive minor bodywork damage and he managed to get it back home. The insurance assessor came out promptly, declared the car a write-off and he received a cheque for £1,100 from them in settlement, again promptly. After numerous calls to the insurer, who referred him to the recovery agent based in Manchester the car is still parked on his driveway, making access awkward. The breaker informed him that they were waiting for another 2 cars to be available for collection in the area to make it worthwhile picking the car up. Can you advise how he can get this upsetting situation resolved?

Asked on 7 March 2009 by

Answered by Honest John
First he needs to check with the DVLA who is now the registered keeper of the car, and if his keepership has not been removed from DVLA records he need to ensure that it is., tel: 0870 240 0010. Once that is done, he must send a letter by recorded delivery to his insurer demanding that the wreck be removed from his driveway within 10 working days and stating that if it is not he will contact a local breaker, have it removed and will sue the insurer for the cost.
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