SPECS savers

I have to drive every week to and back from South Devon to Twyford, Berks or one of our other sites that takes me through 3 long sets of SPEC average speed cameras on the M5 and M4. I can't find a good explanation of how one is caught speeding and what tolerance there is at driving at exactly 50mph through such long stretches. I have a 2004 Subaru Legacy 2.5i Sports Tourer with no cruise control. The speedo is also marked at 40-60 etc, so keeping to exactly 50mph is difficult, especially on a downward gradient. Sometimes I find I have crept up to 60 (about 55 on Sat Nav) whilst watching road conditions ahead rather than being glued to my dial.

Asked on 20 February 2010 by J.A., via e-mail

Answered by Honest John
I get very little feedback on SPECs tolerances, nor whether or not they are all switched on. They are infra-red (you can see that), so when switched on operate 24 hours. If you don't have cruise control or a speed limiter and think you've run up to 60, in a 50 limit, then running at 40 for a bit before the next camera will get the average back to 50. Just make sure you do this in the left hand lane.
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